
Below you will find a collection of Lavender Brio's burlesque work. Password will be required for viewing.

Please send an email to brightside929@gmail.com with the subject line "Video Title, Month, name purchased under" and confirmation of payment.

or you can send me a DM on IG @lbk2925 "Video Title, Month, name purchased under" and confirmation of payment.

Payments options in the "links" tab below

If you would like Lavender Brio to perform at a showcase, please email them with details. 

Pronouns: THEY/THEM

Duality that creates WHOLENESS Improv Dance

Lavender Brio's Free Form Dance Auditon for For Colored Girls at 2nd Star Productions

Lavender Brio's 1st solo Burly routine:

August 2022


Lavender Brio's Shadow Study:


October 2023
