Below you will find a collection of Lavender Brio's burlesque work. Password will be required for viewing.
Please send an email to with the subject line "Video Title, Month, name purchased under" and confirmation of payment.
or you can send me a DM on IG @lbk2925 "Video Title, Month, name purchased under" and confirmation of payment.
Payments options in the "links" tab below
If you would like Lavender Brio to perform at a showcase, please email them with details.
Pronouns: THEY/THEM
Duality that creates WHOLENESS Improv Dance
Lavender Brio's Free Form Dance Auditon for For Colored Girls at 2nd Star Productions
Lavender Brio's 1st solo Burly routine:
August 2022
Lavender Brio's Shadow Study:
October 2023